Brixton and Clapham Wing Chun School is a long-established club in South London with classes in Brixton, Clapham, Kennington and Stockwell areas. Easily accessed from Central London and taught by very experienced instructors of Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Our Chief Instructor: Sifu Greg Holloway – has over 45 years of experience in the martial arts, and a profound knowledge of their relevance and practical application (Wing Chun, Judo, Jujitsu, Karate, Aikido and Tai Chi – most notably). Sifu GH has done Wing Chun since 1979/80, concentrating exclusively on Wing Chun, Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung in the last 35 years.
The complete system is taught according to a strict developmental syllabus with regular gradings. The syllabus includes material from Yip Man’s Hong Kong Wing Chun, Fatshan/Guangdong traditional Wing Chun and Leung Jan’s turning method of Wing Chun (Pien San/GuLao Wing Chun) rarely found outside of Gulao village and Guangdong province. There are public classes in our school throughout the week, private instruction, Chi Kung and energy work available as well as regular seminars, including visits from world-renowned Masters. Beginner to Instructor level welcome.
Yip Man (Yip Kai Man) and Fung Ju/Fung Yee Ming (Gulao) -> Lee Shing -> Austin Goh and Joseph Lee -> Greg Holloway
For more lineage information see:
© 2006-2023